MSF | Music Workshops
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Music Workshops


We offer workshops and beginners classes for instrumental players. These sessions are both instructional and enjoyable – so why not come along and join in the fun!


Workshops and beginners classes are becoming a regular feature of the Mid-Somerset Festival. Led by experienced musicians, our aim is to provide a different opportunity from the children’s regular lessons; they will learn to play with others and perhaps discover more about their particular instrument and how to play it.


Harp Workshop 


Each year the festival’s adjudicator works with a group of harpists to extend their creative musicianship, harp skills and confidence as a performer.  Each participant receives a Certificate of Performance.


Any queries about this workshop should be directed to Sue Summers, MSF Instrumental Secretary. Email:


Beginners Please – Piano


This is a non-competitive class is for all players who are pre Grade 1 standard; it will start with a group approach to introduce entrants to aspects of the performing experience. The session will be very informal and will we hope help to build up the confidence of those taking part for competitive performances in later years.


Following the introduction, all entrants will have an opportunity to announce and perform their chosen piece to the audience and for this they will each receive a simple written appraisal from the Adjudicator and a certificate of performance.