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Enjoy our Celebration of Performance through Making Music.

There are lots of changes to look out for in the new 2025 syllabus. We have taken on board the changing pattern in entries received and reorganised the syllabus accordingly.

Sadly, entries to the instrumental and group sections declined to the extent that some events had to be cancelled in 2024 but we hope the changes planned will make the festival more efficient to run and offer more of the classes we think you want to see along with a greater element of competition.

Bands and Orchestra Festival is no longer viable but in its place we are offering a wider variety of opportunities for smaller instrumental groups.  This will also cater for instrumental groups that normally might have entered Primary Music Day.  Classes for Instrumental groups will take place in the late afternoon and evening of Wednesday March 12 at Bath Citadel.


Secondary Choral Day and Primary Music Day have been merged to create a Schools Choral Day based in Widcombe Baptist Church.  The classes offered will be broader based and, we hope, will offer something for everyone.


Classes where there have been no or very few entries have either been dropped or been merged with similar classes. For instance, the five instrumental repertoire classes which were all qualifying classes for the Thelma King Instrumental Award have been merged into one class which will take place on Tuesday evening in Bath Citadel. This means that all competitors will get an equal opportunity to perform on the same evening and there will no requirement for winners of each qualifying class to perform twice.


It is with regret that the piano concerto class has also been cancelled. Entries have been so few in recent years that it is no longer justifiable to hire a second piano.  However, the wind and string concerto classes will continue.  They have been merged into one class so, again, it will no longer be necessary for section winners to perform twice.

When the syllabus comes out in September, please take a careful look to see how the changes affect you.  Many classes have been renumbered or had the criteria changed.


Dates for the diary



Monday March 10        Harp classes, Vocal classes

Tuesday March 11        Vocal and Instrumental classes

Wednesday March 12   Instrumental and Piano classes

Thursday March 13      Instrumental and Piano classes

Saturday March 15       Adult Choral Day

Friday March 21           Schools Choral Day


Bath Young Musician 2024 will take place on Tuesday October 8 in the Pump Room