MSF | Instrumental
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Please note that any paper entry forms for instrumental classes need to be sent to Sue Summers at 12, Kiln Copse, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 7BW


Instrumental Classes

Classes are offered for all string instruments, including harp and guitar, brass and woodwind including recorder. Most are still in the traditional competitive format and all music played is free choice, allowing performers to play what appeals to them and what suits them musically.


Broadly speaking, the instrumental competitive classes are categorised by level rather than age.  The four levels are: Elementary – up to Grade 2; Transitional – Grades 3-4; Intermediate – Grades 5-6; Advanced – Grade 7 and above.


More advanced classes and awards

The Jennifer Paterson Award is given annually to the winner of the class for high achievers age 14 and under.

Thelma King Instrumental Award

An advanced repertoire class for all wind and string instruments of Grade 7 and above, with one piece from memory expected. A substantial money prize for the winner to use towards furthering their musical career will be awarded.

The Premier Award

A concerto class for any wind or string player.  The class carries a monetary prize.